we remanufacture more than a dozen types of laser toner cartridges.
Our cartridges are built consistently, using the highest quality
components available on the market. When
purchasing toner for example, there are at least 15 different
vendors to choose from, offering at least 2-5 options of toner for
each laser cartridge we remanufacture. Once we choose a
toner to use in a particular cartridge, then we have to choose a
drum to match with that toner to achieve our desired results.
If we want a toner cartridge to get the highest yield possible,
then we will purchase components for this cartridge that run cool
(resulting in light print. If we have a lot of customers
that use a particular cartridge for graphics and typesetting, then
we will purchase components that will give us a very warm running
cartridge (resulting in dark print).
All of our cartridges are put through a
stringent series of quality tests. Only cartridges that
pass our exacting standards are sent to our customers.